Reiki is a Japanese word for ”universal life force”. ‘Rei’ meaning mysterious transcendental spirit, ‘ki’ meaning light and energy. Reiki is a healing gift from the universe and is available to anyone who is willing to be open to it. This natural energy, this gift of love and light flows through, surrounds and sustains every living thing on earth.
Reiki can’t be seen, it is something that has to be experienced and felt. Every person experiences reiki differently. Some feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around them, some drift off to sleep. Reiki can increase your energy levels and leave you feeling surrounded with love and a greater sense of well being.
Reiki massage
Reiki works on an energetic level. Everything in the universe is energy, our thoughts, our emotions, our physical body and all solid matter is energy. Reiki enables one to let go and release anxiety, fear and negative or emotional energy that is stored in the body.
Massage works on the physical, reduces muscle tension, improves circulation, improves skin tone, alleviates anxiety and depression and improves sleep. When Reiki and gentle massage are combined you have a powerful healing tool to help relax and soothe which can help one cope better in our sometimes fast paced hectic world.